Wednesday, 16 August 2017

How to set path in Java?

 Set Path in Java

If you are saving the java source file inside the JDK/bin directory, the path is not required to be set because all the tools will be available in the current directory.The path is required to be set for using tools such as javac, java etc.

But If you are having your java file outside the JDK/bin folder, it is necessary to set the path of JDK.

There are 2 ways to set java path:

1.      temporary
2.      permanent

1) How to set Temporary Path of JDK in Windows

To set the temporary path of JDK, you need to follow following steps:

       ·                  Open command prompt       

       ·                  copy the path of JDK/bin directory       

       ·                  write-in command prompt: set path=copied_path

Ex : set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin

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2) How to set Permanent Path of JDK in Windows:-

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